Individual Booster Injections contain:
The B complex vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 niacinamide), B5 (dexpanthenol), B6 (pyridoxine) actively work to keep the nervous system healthy and may prevent alcohol-related brain disease, improve immune system function, combat inflammation, boost metabolism, promote energy production from fats and carbs, have anti-aging effects on skin Including the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, promote hair growth, possess healing properties for the eyes and skin, protect the liver from damage from infection and other toxins, may improve mood, help with anemia by its involvement in hemoglobin production and may help with reducing heart disease by decreasing high homocysteine levels and B7 (biotin) helps with nervous system function, including recovering from damage and may help with nail, skin and hair health and may help with lowering sugar, fat and cholesterol levels.
Cyanocobalamin, a synthetic form of vitamin B12 with many uses including treating certain types of anemia, helping with digestion disorders and infection, the breakdown of sugars, fat and proteins, decreasing high homocysteine levels and may help keep nerve cells healthy, improve memory loss, promote healthy skin, nails and hair and with sleep improvement.
Hydroxycobalamin, a form of vitamin B12 that stays in the body longer than other forms and is used to treat certain types of anemia, helps with red blood cell production associated with B12 deficiency, involved with bodily processes that convert fats and sugars to energy, ensures proper functioning of blood and other cells and nerves and may be a mood stabilizer.
Methylcobalamin, an active form of vitamin B12 that may boost energy, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, decrease blood clots in certain blood vessels, assist with making DNA and red blood cells, aid in the proper functioning of brain and nerve cells and may enhance immune system function.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which contains antioxidant properties that strengthen the immune system, may help lower blood pressure and the risk for heart disease, may improve memory and boost collagen production which is used in the formation of blood vessels, ligaments, skin and tendons.
Vitamin D3 and its many benefits including possibly decreasing blood pressure, heart disease, severe illnesses and the risk of depression, may boost immunity, memory and mood, may reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis, help with preventing bone disease and helps with calcium and phosphorus absorption and ongoing research is being done to see if it helps decease the risk of certain cancers.
Lastly, there is zinc, which may help prevent infections, decrease illness duration, enhance wound healing processes, promote skin health and help combat acne, aid eye health and may help with macular degeneration, improve digestive system function and may improve diarrhea.
Disclaimer: Parenteral vitamin and mineral therapy is not a replacement for medical treatment, diagnosis, or regular medical care. It’s intended to supplement, not replace, a balanced diet and traditional healthcare. These treatments may not be FDA-approved for specific conditions and the effectiveness of IV therapy can vary between individuals. Results vary from person to person and there’s no guarantee of improved health, energy, recovery as a result of the treatment, the effectiveness of IV therapy for alleviating symptoms or improving health. Individual results may vary based on numerous factors.